24 Aug 2014

Photo of the week: Australia India collaboration

Assistant Professor Amit Gupta, Professor Mark Fitzgerald,
Dr Lakshmi Prasad Govindaraju (Alfred Visiting Fellow, India),
and Professor Russell Gruen

Improved trauma systems are a part of the solution to the global injury epidemic and have been very successful in Victoria. Can they work to reduce the 5 million trauma deaths elsewhere in the world? India is tackling an injury problem of epidemic proportions. The Australia-India Trauma Systems Collaboration (AITSC) is a collaboration of clinicians and researchers, academic partners, and governments. It aims to develop and test some innovative pre-hospital, hospital, and post-hospital interventions that could improve care of the injured in India and Australia. 

HDR seminars and major CCS events

All event notices are maintained on the CCS Events calendars (including local events such as professional development and trade fairs and HDR calendars). For a consolidated view, details of events and to see all events and deadlines, see Announcements. To save a particular event to your own calendar, please click on the "Google calendar" icon found near the event name.  Various Departments have their own calendars, see CCS seminar index: www.med.monash.edu.au/cecs/events/seminars.html

What's on for this week

Mon Aug 25 12:30 PM Psychiatry Professorial Grand Round - A/Prof David Barton
Tue Aug 26 3:30 PM PhD Mid-candidature review seminar - Dr Mei Choy
Wed Aug 27 12:30 PM Pre-submission review seminar - Ms Elisha Horat
Fri Aug 29 1:30 PM Monash Institute of Medical Engineering Meeting

 Forthcoming events

Mon Sep 1 12:30 PM HDR Milestone Review - Ms Tanya Millard
12:30 PM Psychiatry Professorial Grand Round - Dr Amarayah Paul
Tue Sep 2 11:00 AM Pre-submission review seminar - Dr Andrew Guirguis
1:00 PM PhD mid-candidature review - Ms Sreepurna Malakar


ICU fatalities linked to after-hours discharge

Patients who are discharged from intensive care units (ICUs) after-hours have a higher chance of death than those discharged during the day, a new study has found.
Findings published today in Intensive Care Medicine, show that one in seven ICU patients continue to be discharged to general wards after-hours, and this has not changed for the past eight years. Lead researcher Dr Dashiell Gantner, from the Monash University Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Science, said it remains unclear why practices have not changed. Dr Gantner is an Intensive Care Fellow at the Alfred. See 18/08/2014 Monash story.

Monash Strategic Grant Scheme yields new guidelines for Traumatic Brain Injury rehabilitation

Dr Peter Bragge, NTRI
Prof Jenny Ponsford
A 2012 Monash Strategic Grant Scheme project has resulted in the publication of a series of eight guideline papers on Cognitive Rehabilitation following Traumatic Brain Injury. The project was led by Dr Peter Bragge from the National Trauma Research Institute (NTRI) and Professor Jennie Ponsford, Director of the Monash-Epworth Rehabilitation Research Centre, in collaboration with Dr Mark Bayley from the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, Canada.

Videos: HIV Public Lecture; Prebiotic diet recipe playlist

Video link for 2014 HIV public lecture

HIV public lecture

Professor Jennifer Hoy has 30 years' experience in HIV clinical research and patient care, particularly on the effect of HIV and its treatment with antiretroviral therapy on different body systems which contribute to the increased likelihood of chronic illness such as cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. Prof Hoy gave a public lecture on the transformation in the lives of people with HIV, how her current research is changing the way doctors help people with HIV, and outlining the challenges ahead. The lecture was an independent affiliated event with the international AIDS 2014 conference hosted in Melbourne 20-24 July.

Media mentions

18/08/2014 Professor Sharon Lewin, Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases, commented on new research into HIV.  Sharon mentioned that although the research was done in mice, it was a significant step in HIV cure research.
The Conversation

20/08/2014 Associate Professor Edwina Wright, Department of Infectious Diseases, commented on an Australian study into the PrEP pill, a highly effective preventative pill for HIV.
Triple J

20/08/2014 Department of Gastroenterology's FODMAP diet and app research was mentioned.  The low-FODMAP diet has been mentioned as something to be "looked into", by people who suffer symptoms, but whose blood test for celiac is "negative" and Endoscopy, colonoscopy is "normal"
Huffington Post

21/08/2014 Professor Jayashri Kulkarni, Director, MAPrc, commented on new family violence rules that have been proposed in Victoria, which could allow for domestic violence victims to 'name and shame' offenders.  Jayashri said that there are privacy issues around being able to name offenders but they aim to bring perpetrators to account.
Radio Adelaide

21/08/2014 Professor Peter Gibson, Head of the Department of Gastroenterology, and Dr Jane Muir, Head of Translational NutritionDepartment of Gastroenterology's research into healthy diets for gut health was discussed.
Food Australia

21/08/2014, 22/08/2014 MAPrc's work, supported by De Castella Run for Mental Health 2014, mentioned.  Marathon runner Robert de Castella mentioned that the fun run, started in 1981, is one of the longest fun runs in Victoria and that the money raised will support the work that is done by MAPrc.  The fun run is to be held on Sunday 31 August.
ABC Radio

Participants sought: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and dietary salicylates

Volunteers are sought by the Department of Gastroenterology, Monash University for a study involving two trials, consuming a diet low or high in natural salicylates for 4 weeks (all meals provided) and a diagnostic salicylate test. Salicylates are chemicals that occur naturally in many plants to protect the plants against insects and diseases.

Staff news

Gavin in Action
Gavin Horrigan managed another overall win at St Arnaud on Sunday. He shot 73/75 in the second event and had to shoot off against two other AA Grade shooters with the same score. He managed to out his rivals in a thirteen target shoot off by hitting all targets with the first shot. The two other shooters got second barrels to bow out leaving him best shooter for that event overall. Gavin won a lovely salmon (OK it's pink!) sash and prize money. He shot 126/130 for the day and was runner up for High Gun (127/130). On top of all of this Ararat won the annual inter-club shoot comfortably against Callawadda-Stawell, Horsham and St Arnaud and got to keep the shield for another year.

Tania Bogomazova
Tania Bogomazova, our Graduate Accountant, has completed her 12 month R&R Accounting Services rotation and has returned to Corporate Finance Division. We now welcome Jeff Tang to our team as he completes a 12 month rotation in R & R as part of his Graduate Accountant’s program. Jeff will be based at the Alfred, and will also spend some time working from Parkville Campus. Jeff has already worked within Taxation, Group Accounting and Treasury at Monash University.
The Alfred R&R Accounting Services Team:
  • Helen Meng: Accounting Officer
  • Jeff Tang: Graduate Accountant
  • Tara Pincott: Accountant
  • Rowena van Essen: Senior R&R Accountant (Team Leader)
For any day-to-day questions, please email researchandrevenues-alfred@monash.edu or phone x30990.

Adele Storch
Welcome to Adele Storch to the MAPrc team.  Adele will be working in the Women's Health team, as a voluntary research student with Ms Emmy Gavrilidis as her supervisor.
Adele is from Brisbane and enjoys travel, dance and literature